SWMM5 Conversion Notes for SWMM Networks
This topic describes how InfoWorks ICM converts existing SWMM5 network components into ICM SWMM network objects, database items or model parameters. The description of each section that is imported from SWMM5 will indicate which network objects, database items or model parameters it is imported to.

The versions of EPA SWMM supported by the importer are v5.0 to 5.1.015
The importer supports the following:
SWMM5 Section | Conversion Notes Section/Topic |
[OPTIONS] | See below |
[TITLE] | See below |
[REPORT] | See below |
[FILES] | See below |
[CONTROLS] | See below |
[ADJUSTMENTS] | See below |
[RAINGAGES] | See below |
[SYMBOLS] | See below |
[TIMESERIES] | See below |
[TEMPERATURE] | See below |
[EVAPORATION] | See below |
[PATTERNS] | See below |
[CURVES] | See below |
[TAGS] | See below |
[PROFILES] | See below |
[LABELS] | See below |
SWMM5 Conversion - Nodes (SWMM) |
SWMM5 Conversion - Links (SWMM) |
SWMM5 Conversion - Subcatchments (SWMM) |
The following fields in the [OPTIONS] section are imported to either the SWMM network model Options parameters or to a SWMM Run database object in InfoWorks ICM:
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Network/Database object |
InfoWorks ICM Data Field | Notes | |||||||||||
FLOW_UNITS | Options |
Network flow units |
Infiltration model |
Imported value set to the following options in ICM:
FLOW_ROUTING | N/A | Dynamic Wave is the only flow routing supported in a SWMM network. | ||||||||||||
Elevations are used by ICM. Depths are converted on import. A conduit's Upstream elevation, an orifice's Invert level and a weir's Crest height will be assigned their start node's elevation if LINK_OFFSETS is DEPTH or absent. A conduit's Downstream elevation will be assigned the elevation of its end node if LINK_OFFSETS is DEPTH or absent. |
Force main equation |
Allow ponding |
IGNORE_RAINFALL | SWMM Run | Rainfall/runoff | Imported setting preserved on the Options Processes page. | |||||||||||
IGNORE_SNOWMELT | Snowmelt | |||||||||||||
IGNORE_GROUNDWATER | Groundwater | |||||||||||||
IGNORE_RDII | Rainfall dependent I/I | |||||||||||||
IGNORE_ROUTING | Flow routing | |||||||||||||
IGNORE_QUALITY | Water quality | |||||||||||||
SKIP_STEADY_STATE | Skip steady state flow periods | Imported values preserved on the Timestep Control Timesteps page. | ||||||||||||
SYS_FLOW_TOL | System flow tolerance | |||||||||||||
LAT_FLOW_TOL | Lateral flow tolerance | |||||||||||||
START_DATE | Start analysis | Imported values preserved on the Timestep Control Dates page. | ||||||||||||
START_TIME | ||||||||||||||
END_DATE | End analysis | |||||||||||||
END_TIME | ||||||||||||||
REPORT_START_DATE | Start reporting | |||||||||||||
REPORT_START_TIME | ||||||||||||||
SWEEP_START | Start sweeping | |||||||||||||
SWEEP_END | End sweeping | |||||||||||||
DRY_DAYS | Antecedent dry days | |||||||||||||
REPORT_STEP | Reporting timestep | Imported values preserved on the Timestep Control Timesteps page. | ||||||||||||
WET_STEP | Wet weather runoff timestep | |||||||||||||
DRY_STEP | Dry weather runoff timestep | |||||||||||||
ROUTING_STEP | Routing timestep | |||||||||||||
LENGTHENING_STEP | Conduit lengthening timestep | Imported value preserved in the Dynamic Wave section of the SWMM Run. | ||||||||||||
VARIABLE_STEP | Adjust variable timesteps (check box) | True if VARIABLE_STEP is non-zero. | ||||||||||||
VARIABLE_STEP | Adjust variable timesteps by | Imported value preserved in the Dynamic Wave section of the SWMM Run. | ||||||||||||
MINIMUM_STEP | Minimum timestep | Imported value preserved in the Dynamic Wave section of the SWMM Run. | ||||||||||||
RULE_STEP | Control rule timestep | Imported values preserved on the Timestep Control Timesteps page. | ||||||||||||
SURCHARGE_METHOD | Surcharge method | If there is no SURCHARGE_METHOD in the import file, the EXTRAN method will be automatically set on the Options Surcharge Method page. | ||||||||||||
INERTIAL_DAMPING | Options | Inertial damping | ||||||||||||
NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED | Normal flow criterion | |||||||||||||
MIN_SURFAREA | Min nodal surface area | |||||||||||||
MIN_SLOPE | Min conduit slope | |||||||||||||
MAX_TRIALS | Max trials per timestep | |||||||||||||
HEAD_TOLERANCE | Head convergence tolerance | |||||||||||||
Not currently imported. |
The [TITLE] section is imported into the SWMM Title dialog. The first line in [TITLE] section is imported to the Title field in the dialog, and any subsequent ones into the Memo part of the dialog.
Climatic adjustments from the [ADJUSTMENTS] section are imported into a Subcatchment network object or SWMM Climatology object in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Network/Database object |
InfoWorks ICM Data Field/Grid Column |
Notes |
e1-e12 | SWMM Climatology | Evaporation adjustment | Imported monthly values preserved on the SWMM Climatology Adjustments page. |
t1-t12 | Temperature adjustment | ||
c1-c12 | Soil hydraulic conductivity | ||
r1-r12 | Rainfall factor | ||
DSTORE | Subcatchment | Depression storage pattern | |
INFIL | Infiltration capacity pattern | ||
N-PERV | Pervious surface roughness pattern |
The [REPORT] section is imported into a SWMM Run object in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Fields/Boxes |
Notes |
INPUT | Input summary | Checked if YES is imported or unchecked if NO is imported. |
CONTINUITY | Continuity checks | Checked if YES is imported or unchecked if NO is imported. |
FLOWSTATS | Summary flow statistics | Checked if YES is imported or unchecked if NO is imported. |
AVERAGES | Average results | Checked if YES is imported or unchecked if NO is imported. |
CONTROLS | Control actions | Checked if YES is imported or unchecked if NO is imported. |
LINKS, NODES, SUBCATCHMENTS | Objects for detailed reporting | A selection list is created which contains the list of imported links, nodes and subcatchments whose results are to be reported. |
Interface files, referenced in the [FILES] section, are imported into the following events in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Event |
Notes |
INFLOWS | Inflow | Data from an inflows interface file is imported to a Inflow event in ICM. This event will be given the same name as the file it is imported from. |
The [CONTROLS] section is imported into the SWMM Control Rules Editor.
If any of the rules contains a TIMESERIES keyword, the importer checks the [TIMESERIES] section and imports the relevant time varying data to a Regulator event in InfoWorks ICM. See the [TIMESERIES] section for details.
The [RAINGAGES] section is imported into a Rain Gage network object in InfoWorks ICM. Any time series data is imported as a Rainfall event.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Network/Database object |
InfoWorks ICM Data Field/Grid Column |
Notes |
Tseries | Rainfall Event |
Time series data is imported to the Rainfall page of the Rainfall Event Editor. |
Sta | Rain Gage | Rainfall profile |
When the raingage source is an external file, the Station ID (sta) is set as the Rainfall profile |
Name | Rain gage ID | ||
SCF | Snow catch factor | ||
Fname | External files are not supported in ICM. | ||
Form | ICM only supports the intensity form of recorded rainfall. Volume and cumulative are converted on import. | ||
Intvl | |||
Units |
The [SYMBOLS] section is imported into an ICM Rain Gage object.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Data Field/Grid Column |
Notes |
X | x | |
Y | y |
The [TIMESERIES] section is imported into a Regulator event in InfoWorks ICM if the SWMM5 [CONTROL] section contains any rules with a TIMESERIES keyword. The importer uses the TIMESERIES name to identify which [TIMESERIES] is loaded as the regulator, and then adds a Regulator event with that name to the applicable model group.
Note that the [TEMPERATURE], [EVAPORATION], [RAINGAGES], [INFLOW] and [OUTFALL] sections may also contain a reference to a [TIMESERIES]. The destination of the TIMESERIES import for these is included in the description of the applicable import section.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Field/Grid Column |
Notes |
Tseries | Profile |
Start date and time is imported to the Sub event properties. |
Name | Profile properties | SWMM5 Name is imported to the Reference field in the Profile properties. |
The [TEMPERATURE] section is imported into InfoWorks ICM's Snow Parameters or a SWMM Climatology objects. Any time series data is imported as a Rainfall event.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Network/Database object |
InfoWorks ICM Data Field/Grid Column |
Notes |
Fname | Not imported | ||
Form | Not imported | ||
Start | Not imported | ||
Tseries | Rainfall Event | Time series data is imported to the Temperature Data page of the Rainfall Event Editor. | |
s1-s12 | SWMM Climatology | Wind speed | Monthly values imported to the Wind speed page of the SWMM Climatology object. |
f.0-f.9 | Snow Parameters | Areal depletion curves | Pervious, Impervious and Depth values imported |
ATIwt | Antecedent temperature index weight | ||
Elev | Elevation above sea level | ||
Lat | Latitude | ||
DTLong | Longitude correction | ||
RNM | Negative melt ratio | ||
Stemp | Dividing temperature between snow rain |
The [EVAPORATION] section is imported into a SWMM Climatology database object in InfoWorks ICM. Any time series data is imported as a Rainfall event.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Database object |
InfoWorks ICM Data Field/Grid Column |
Notes |
DRY_ONLY | SWMM Climatology | Evaporate only during dry periods | |
evap | Daily evaporation | ||
e1-e12 | Month / Average evaporation grid | ||
Source of evaporation rates |
Depending on the INP file content, this is set to: |
p1-p12 | Month / Pan coefficient grid | ||
FILE | External files are not supported in ICM. | ||
Recovery | Soil recovery |
Monthly SWMM5 values are imported to the Soil recovery column on the Adjustments page of the SWMM Climatology object. |
Tseries | Rainfall Event | Time series data is imported to the Evaporation Data page of the Rainfall Event Editor. |
The [PATTERNS] section is imported into a SWMM Time patterns object in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Data Field/Grid Column |
Notes |
Name | Time pattern | Names added to dropdown list in the SWMM Time Pattern grid. |
Type | Type | Monthly, Daily, Hourly, Weekend |
Multipliers | Factor | Applicable SWMM5 multipliers added to the Factor column in the SWMM Time Pattern grid. |
Monthly Factors1...Factor12 | Month/Day/Time | SWMM5 values for the relevant Type of time pattern are added to the relevant Month/Day/Time column in the SWMM Time Pattern grid. |
Daily Factors1...Factor7 |
Hourly Factors1...Factor24 |
Weekend Factors1...Factor24 |
The TYPE field in the [CURVES] section is used to determine to which curves the curve data is applied to in InfoWorks ICM.
A CONTROL type of curve is imported to a SWMM network Control Curve in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Control Curve Data Field |
Notes |
Name | Curve ID | |
X value | Control array | X values are imported into the Variable column in the Curve Editor. |
Y value | Y values are imported into the Setting column in the Curve Editor. |
A SWMM5 PUMP1, PUMP2, PUMP3 and PUMP4 type of curve is imported to a SWMM network Pump Curve in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Pump Curve Data Field |
Notes |
Name | Curve ID | |
Type | Pump curve type | The type of Pump curve is set according to the pump number (PUMP1- PUMP4) being imported. |
X value Y value |
Inlet volume increment array | For PUMP1, X values are imported into the Inlet volume increment column in the Curve Editor. |
For PUMP1, Y values are imported into the Flow column in the Curve Editor. | ||
Inlet depth increment array | For PUMP2, X values are imported into the Inlet depth increment column in the Curve Editor. | |
For PUMP2, Y values are imported into the Flow column in the Curve Editor. | ||
Head difference array | For PUMP3, X values are imported into the Head difference column in the Curve Editor. | |
For PUMP3, Y values are imported into the Flow column in the Curve Editor. | ||
Continuous depth array | For PUMP4, X values are imported into the Continuous depth column in the Curve Editor. | |
For PUMP4, Y values are imported into the Flow column in the Curve Editor. |
A SWMM5 SHAPE type of curve is imported to a SWMM network Shape Curve in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Shape Curve Data Field |
Notes |
Name | Curve ID | |
X value | Geometry | X values are imported into the Depth/full depth column in the Shape Curve Editor. |
Y value | Y values are imported into the Width/full depth column in the Shape Curve Editor. |
A SWMM5 STORAGE type of curve is imported to a SWMM network Storage Curve in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Storage Curve Data Field |
Notes |
Name | Curve ID | |
X value | Storage array | X values are imported into the Depth column in the Storage Curve Editor. |
Y value | Y values are imported into the Surface area column in the Storage Curve Editor. |
A SWMM5 TIDAL type of curve is imported to a SWMM network Tidal Curve in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Tidal Curve Data Field |
Notes |
Name | Tidal curve ID | |
X value | Tidal array | X values are imported into the Hour of day column in the Curve Editor. |
Y value | Y values are imported into the Water surface elevation column in the Curve Editor. |
A SWMM5 RATING type of curve is imported to a SWMM network Rating Curve in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Rating Curve Data Field |
Notes |
Name | Rating curve ID | |
X value | Rating array | X values are imported into the Head difference column in the Curve Editor. |
Y value | Y values are imported into the Outlet flow column in the Curve Editor. |
A SWMM5 WEIR type of curve is imported to a SWMM network Weir Curve in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Weir Curve Data Field |
Notes |
Name | Weir curve ID | |
WEIR1 | Weir curve type | For Weir1, this is set to Weir. |
WEIR2 | For Weir2, this is set to Sideflow. | |
X value | Weir array or Sideflow array | X values are imported into the Head difference column in the Curve Editor |
Y value | Y values are imported into the Discharge coefficient column in the Curve Editor for a Weir. |
A SWMM5 CONTROL Underdrain type of curve is imported to a SWMM network Underdrain Curve in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Underdrain Curve Data Field |
Notes |
Name | Curve ID | |
X value | Underdrain array | X values are imported into the Depth column in the Curve Editor. |
Y value | Y values are imported into the Factor column in the Curve Editor. |
Tags in SWMM5 are optional labels used to categorise or classify objects. The [TAG] section is imported into the following objects in InfoWorks ICM.
SWMM5 Field |
InfoWorks ICM Network object |
InfoWorks ICM Data Field |
Notes |
Node | Node | User text 1 | Any information imported from the SWMM5 Tag will appear in the User text 1 field of the object (identified by its SWMM5 name) in ICM. |
Conduit | Conduit | ||
Orifice | Orifice | ||
Outlet | Outlet | ||
Pump | Pump | ||
Weir | Weir | ||
Subcatch | Subcatchment | ||
Gage | Rain gage |
The [PROFILES] section is imported into a Selection List database item in InfoWorks ICM and will be given the same name as the SWMM5 text file it was imported from. You can then set the profile information in the list as the Branch ID property for relevant link objects when the selection list is applied to the applicable SWMM network. See Selection Lists for information about applying lists to networks.
The [LABELS] section is imported into a Label List database item in InfoWorks ICM and will be given the same name as the SWMM5 text file it was imported from. Formatting information as well as the label text and location will be imported as custom labels in the list. The label list can be applied to the relevant SWMM network by dragging it from the Explorer window and dropping it on the GeoPlan or Long Section window.